Direction (Qs.1-5): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.
The bar chart given below shows the percentage of quantity of wine, soda and water in tank A, tank B, tank C and tank D and line chart given below shown the capacity of the tank A, tank B, tank C and tank D. Study the data carefully and answer the following questions. (Note- all the tanks are filled to its full capacity)
Question No : 1
If 20% of the quantity of tank A and 30% of the quantity of tank B are mixed in tank E. Find the amount of water in tank E
(1) 34.4 litres
(2) 32.4 litres
(3) 31.4 litres
(4) 31.6 litres
(5) 30.4 litres
Question No : 2
If any three tanks are mixed in a large tank then the maximum quantity of wine can be obtained from which combination?
(1) Tank A + Tank B + Tank C
(2) Tank A + Tank B + Tank D
(3) Tank A + Tank C + Tank D
(4) Tank B + Tank C + Tank D
(5) Both option (3) and (4) are correct
Question No : 3
Find the ratio of the quantity of wine, soda and water respectively in a glass if the 40 ml liquid is taken from tank C and 60 ml liquid is tank from tank D.
(1) 33 : 37 : 30
(2) 30 : 37 : 33
(3) 37 : 33 : 30
(4) 40 : 33 : 27
(5) 33 : 47 : 20
Question No : 4
If the price of wine is Rs.600/litre and price of soda is Rs.80/litre. Find the amount of profit obtained by selling the whole mixture of tank C at the rate of Rs.500/litre.
(1) Rs.44000
(2) Rs.54000
(3) Rs.34000
(4) Rs.36000
(5) Rs.64000
Question No : 5
The total quantity of soda in all the tanks is approximately what percent of the total quantity of wine in all the tanks?
(1) 110%
(2) 125%
(3) 120%
(4) 130%
(5) 135%