Direction (Qs.1-5): The pie chart below shows the percentage distribution of the number of students who attend Mocks for different Exams.
Question No : 1
If 10,000 students attend mock on a particular day. What is the total number of girls who attend mock in all the 5 exams?
(1) 4000
(2) 5300
(3) 4700
(4) 4500
(5) None of the above
Question No : 2
If 7500 students attend test on Sunday then out of total students what is the number of total boys who attend test on all the 5 exams?
(1) 4300
(2) 3975
(3) 5300
(4) None of the above
(5) Can’t say
Question No : 3
If 900 students attend SBI Mock then what is the total number of girls who attend IBPS and SSC Mock?
(1) 500
(2) 520
(3) 450
(4) 420
(5) 320
Question No : 4
If 4500 student attend SBI Mock and 4000 student attend SSC Mock then what is the ratio of boys who attend SBI to the girls who attend SSC.
(1) 25 : 12
(2) 12 : 25
(3) 13 : 25
(4) 25 : 24
(5) 12 : 17
Question No : 5
If total 10,000 students attend Mock then what is the ratio of boys to girls of all the 5 Exams.
(1) 43 : 47
(2) 47 : 43
(3) 53 : 47
(4) 49 : 51
(5) 47 : 53