Direction (Qs.1-5): Study the table carefully to answer the questions that follow.
The table shows the percentage of students of five branches who vote in favour of different lecturers participating for election of DEAN in a college. The line graph shows the percentage distribution of students in different branches.
Question No : 1
Find the difference between total number of votes casted for Vishnu Pratap and that of Nilesh Jindal?
(1) 26
(2) 28
(3) 34
(4) 38
(5) None of these
Question No : 2
Total number of students who favour Meraaj Sekh are what percent of total number of students in ECE?
(1) 65%
(2) 70%
(3) 75%
(4) 68%
(5) 72%
Question No : 3
Among the supporters of Vishnu Pratap in mechanical boys and girls are in ratio 5 : 3. If total number of girls is 36 times of mechanical girls supporting Vishnu Pratap, find the total number of boy.
(1) 2634
(2) 2264
(3) 2642
(4) 2624
(5) None of these
Question No : 4
Find the ratio of number of students who support Ramesh Patni to number of students in chemical branch?
(1) 2: 3
(2) 3 : 4
(3) 4 : 5
(4) 5 : 7
(5) None of these
Question No : 5
By what percent of total votes Murli Nath beats Srikantha?
(1) 4.38%
(2) 5.23%
(3) 6.38%
(4) 6%
(5) None of these