Direction (Qs.1-5): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.
The below Pie Chart shows percentage distribution wise of industries in four different states. The below table represents the ratio between automobile industries and textile industries which are distributed among four different states.
Question No : 1
What is the difference between the number of automobile industries in State 2 and the number of textile industries in State 4?
(1) 20
(2) 30
(3) 40
(4) 50
(5) None of these
Question No : 2
What is the average number of textile industries in the states together?
(1) 21
(2) 28
(3) 27.5
(4) 32.5
(5) None of these
Question No : 3
Number of textile industries in State 3 is what percent of the number of automobile industries in State 1?
(1) 105.12%
(2) 114.28%
(3) 124.35%
(4) 90.43%
(5) None of these
Question No : 4
If 25% of automobile industries in State 3 are productive and remaining automobile industries in State 3 are non-productive, then what is the number of automobile industries in State 3 which are non-productive?
(1) 12
(2) 24
(3) 36
(4) 48
(5) None of these
Question No : 5
What is the difference between the total number of industries in State 3 and the number of textile industries in State 2?
(1) 12
(2) 24
(3) 36
(4) 48
(5) None of these