Direction (Qs.1-5): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.
P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W are eight different people who have bought eight different cars – Honda, Mercedes, MG HECTOR, Tata, Tesla, Rolls Royce, Ford and Hyundai on eight different days starting from Monday to Monday. The cars are of eight different colours viz. Red, Blue, White, Yellow, Black, Grey, Beige and Silver. All the information is not necessarily in the same order.
Four people have bought the cars between Q and the person who has bought MG HECTOR. At least two people have bought cars after the person who has bought Ford. Grey and Red cars have not been bought immediately before or after a Yellow car. U has bought a car immediately after W. Hyundai is neither in Red nor in Silver colour. Neither P nor U has bought MG HECTOR. Beige car is bought 3 days before Mercedes was bought. S has bought a car either immediate or on one of the days after V but before the person who has bought Ford. Rolls Royce is neither in a Blue nor in a White colour. Only three people have bought cars between the person who has bought Honda and the person who has bought a yellow car. Only three people have bought cars between R and T. Tesla has been bought after Hyundai but neither immediately after nor on Monday. The Blue car is bought after the Black car. Q has bought a car on one of the days before the person who has bought MG HECTOR. The number of cars bought before Tesla is as same as the number of cars bought after Hyundai. Q has bought a Silver car. Only two people have bought the cars before S. T has not bought a car on the last day. P and S have not bought Mercedes nor Tata. Mercedes car is not in a Silver colour. Red car is bought immediately after Grey car but immediately before Black car.
Question No : 1
Which of the following car is of White colour?
(1) Honda
(2) Mercedes
(3) Hyundai
(5) Ford
Question No : 2
Which car has P bought?
(1) Honda
(2) Tata
(3) Rolls Royce
(4) Mercedes
Question No : 3
W has bought car on which day?
(1) Tuesday
(2) Wednesday
(3) Thursday
(4) Friday
(5) Saturday
Question No : 4
Red coloured car was bought by whom?
(1) P
(2) W
(3) S
(4) Q
(5) U
Question No : 5
How many cars are bought between V and T?
(1) 4
(2) 5
(3) 2
(4) 3
(5) None of these