Direction (Qs.1-5): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.
Ten persons P, Q, R, S, T, G, K, L, N and V attends the seminar in five different months January, February, April, July and September on two different days 6 and 13 in each month. Each one of them likes different colour Red, Green, Yellow, Blue, Orange, Pink, White, Violet, Black and Brown but not necessarily in the same order.
V attends the seminar in a month which has more than 30 days. More than four persons attend the seminar between V and P. At least two persons attend the seminar before P. Three persons attend the seminar between S and the one who likes Pink. S attends the seminar before the one who likes pink. S does not like Brown. Neither V nor P likes Pink. S does not attend the seminar in a month which has 30 days. Number of persons attend the seminar before S and after G are same. R attends the seminar immediately before the one who likes black. Only one person attends the seminar between T and the one who likes orange. Number of persons attend the seminar before R and after T are same. R does not like Pink. T does not like Brown. Number of persons attending the seminar before the one who likes orange is one more than number of persons attend the seminar after the one who likes white. Two persons attend the seminar between Q and the one who likes Red. More than four persons attend the seminar between K and the one who likes Red. The one who likes Green attends the seminar immediately before the one who likes Blue. V neither likes Green nor likes Blue. N attends the seminar immediately after the one who likes yellow. T does not like Red. Two persons attend the seminar between V and the one who likes Brown.
Question No : 1
Which of the following person likes violet?
(1) G
(2) V
(3) R
(4) K
(5) None of these
Question No : 2
How many persons attend the seminar between L and the one who likes Red?
(1) One
(2) Two
(3) Three
(4) Four
(5) None of these
Question No : 3
Which of the following persons attend the seminar immediately after the one who likes White?
(1) The one who likes Black
(2) R
(3) The one who likes Pink
(4) The one who likes Violet
(5) Both (2) and (4)
Question No : 4
If P is related to February 6, Q is related to April 13, in the same way V is related to which of the following?
(1) September 13
(2) September 6
(3) July 13
(4) April 6
(5) None of these
Question No : 5
Four of the following five are like in a certain way based on the above arrangement. Find which one does not belongs to the group?
(1) The one who likes Green
(2) The one who likes Pink
(3) The one who likes Violet
(4) The one who likes Brown
(5) The one who likes White