Direction (Qs.1-5): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.
Seven candidates - L, M, N, O, P, Q and R are going to different cities i.e. Varanasi, Assam, Kerala, Mumbai, Tamil Nadu, Rajasthan and Sikkim to give IBPS exam but not necessarily in the same order. R goes to Varanasi to give his exam. Neither O nor M has exam in Mumbai. Q has his exam in Rajasthan. Exam city of P is neither Kerala nor Mumbai. L and O do not give exam in Kerala. Exam city of N is Tamil Nadu. Exam of O is not in Assam.
Question No : 1
In which city L has his exam?
(1) Tamil Nadu
(2) Kerala
(3) Mumbai
(4) Rajasthan
(5) None of these
Question No : 2
Who among the following goes to Sikkim to give his exam?
(1) R
(2) P
(3) M
(4) O
(5) None of the above
Question No : 3
If exam cities of L and P gets interchanged, then who goes to Assam to give his exam?
(1) L
(2) P
(3) Q
(4) O
(5) M
Question No : 4
Four of them are alike in a certain way on the basis of the given arrangement and hence form a group. Which of the following is not the part of the group?
(1) L-Mumbai
(2) P-Assam
(3) Q-Rajasthan
(4) O-Sikkim
(5) N-Kerala
Question No : 5
In which city M has his exam?
(1) Kerala
(2) Varanasi
(3) Sikkim
(4) Mumbai
(5) None of these above