Direction (Qs.1 to 5): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.
Nine students namely – P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W and X are sitting in a row in such a way that some are facing north while other sits facing south. Each student belongs to different grade viz., 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th. All the information is not necessary in same order.
At least four people sit facing south. One who belongs to 9th grade sits third from either end of the row. P, who doesn’t belong to 9th grade, sits second to the right of one who belongs to 4th grade. R, who neither sits adjacent to U nor belongs to 12th grade, sits third to the right of one belongs to 7th grade who neither sit adjacent to U nor sits adjacent to W. W, who belongs to 10th grade, sits immediate right of U. T, who doesn’t sit adjacent to one who belongs to 5th grade, sits second to the left of V. X and W sits facing in opposite same direction. Only two people sit between U and one who belongs to 9th grade. One who belongs to 8th grade, who doesn’t sit adjacent to one who belongs to 9th grade, sits second to the left of U. One who belongs to 6th grade sits third to the right of Q, who sits facing north. Only two people sit between W and X, who neither sits adjacent to R nor adjacent to one who belongs to 4th grade. Person adjacent to V sits facing in same direction but opposite in direction to V. Only three people sit between one who belongs to 6th grade and one who belongs to 11th grade. Person sitting at end of the row sits facing in opposite direction. S, who neither sits at end nor belongs to 9th grade, sits fourth to the left of one who belongs to 5th grade.
Question No : 1
Who sits third to the left of one who belongs to 11th grade?
(1) U
(2) W
(3) R
(4) P
(5) None of these
Question No : 2
Which of the following statement is not true?
(1) One who belongs to 8th grade sits second to the left of one who belongs to 6th
(2) Only four person sits between one who belongs to 4th grade and R.
(3) One who belongs to 6th grade sits second to the left of S.
(4) One who belongs to 5th grade sits immediate right of V.
(5) All the given statements are true.
Question No : 3
If all the students are rearrange in ascending order of grade from left to right then how many person remains unchanged?
(1) Three
(2) One
(3) Four
(4) Two
(5) None of these
Question No : 4
Who sits second to the right of one who belongs to 12th grade?
(1) Q
(2) W
(3) R
(4) S
(5) Cannot be determined
Question No : 5
If Q sits second to the left of P, then what is the position of U with respect to one who belongs to 8th grade?
(1) Third to the left
(2) Second to the left
(3) Immediate right
(4) Second to the right
(5) Cannot be determined