Direction (Qs.1 to 5): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.
Seven professionals P, Q, R, S, T, U and V had their offices situated along a straight row facing the north. They like different colours among Red, Blue, White, Black, Yellow, Pink and Green but not necessarily in the same order. The distance between the neighbouring offices was a successive integral multiple of 5 km. The distance increased from left to right.
P’s office was third to the left of the official who likes pink colour. Q’s office was 135 km to the right of the official who likes black colour. R’s office was exactly between V’s office and the official who likes green colour. The official who likes yellow colour was to the immediate left of the official who likes white colour. The official who likes white colour was 115 km to the left of S’s office. The official who likes pink colour was the neighbour of S’s office. The official who likes black colour was 85 km away from T’s office. The official who likes red colour had office at one of the extreme ends. V did not like blue colour. The distance between any two offices was less than 80 km.
Question No : 1
Which colour does U likes?
(1) Red
(2) Pink
(3) Blue
(4) Green
(5) Yellow
Question No : 2
What is the distance between R and the official who likes white colour?
(1) 90 km
(2) 170 km
(3) 150 km
(4) 135 km
(5) 85 km
Question No : 3
How many offices are there between P and the official who likes blue colour?
(1) None
(2) One
(3) Two
(4) Three
(5) Four
Question No : 4
Who among the following sits to the immediate left of T?
(1) P
(2) The one who likes white colour
(3) V
(4) The one who likes blue colour
(5) Q
Question No : 5
Who among the following has distance of 165 km between them?
(1) P, The one who likes white colour
(2) Q, S
(3) T, The one who likes blue colour
(4) R, The one who likes white colour
(5) None of these